AJUSD will be holding a Social Studies Resource K-12 meeting on Thursday, May 2nd at 3:30 PM.



Meeting :  Thursday, May 2, 2024

Category        :  Action Item

Subject          : Social Studies Resource K – 12

Meeting : District Office Board Room

Time : 3:30pm to 4:30pm (Mountain Standard Time)

Budget Source: Instructional Improvement

Strategic Plan Goal: Adopt a Social Studies Resource K – 12 from the vendors that responded to our RFP 24-04-29 and evaluate the proposals.

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The Apache Junction Unified School District, #43 issued RFP 24-04-29 Social Studies Resource K – 12 on March 1, 2024. The documents were available for download at www.azpurchasing.org and www.publicpurchase,com. Proposals were due March 30, 2024, at 2:00pm (Mountain Standard Time) at AJUSD Business Office 1575 W. Southern Ave. Apache Junction, AZ 85120. Four (4) vendors solicited their proposals. 

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The goal is to evaluate the four vendors for our Social Studies Resources K – 12. The evaluators may choose to not award a vendor during the selection process and use free online resources as, outlined in ADE.



  1. Britannica Education

  2. Imagine Learning

  3. McGraw Hill

  4. National Geographic


  1. Meara Verna

  2. Caylie Lavenduskey

  3. Robyn Gonzales

  4. Yesenia Braaksma

  5. Teresa Edwards

  6. Christine Jones

  7. Jason Chavarria

  8. Samantha Whaley

  9. Ray Cunningham

  10. Ed Matlosz

Social Students Adoption Agenda